Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Three possible topics

My first possible topic is non-profit organizations. I'm intrested in this topic because one of the main question in my mind is where does the money go. There are various organization entreprenuers, and common people that donate there money to non profit organizations. what do the non- proft organizations do with the money. Its difficult to see the good that comes out of donations the organizations either miss use it or they use the money for themselves. There have been organizations that exist for ten years and do nothing with the money. I would really like to research and find some more information about how this happens.

The second possible topic is violence in video games. Does video violence really increase violent behaviour in children. Should we limit the amount of violent video games available to kids. its an intesting argument there many sides to the story. They are many that believe that video games do not increase the level of violence in children. video games are more realistic, its alot easier for kids to immitate what they see when they play games. The characters look more realistic, the events and feautures are also more realistic so it makes it easier for kids to act out what they play and see in video games. In addition soldiesrs use video games to train for combat, video games increase your visual and space awareness. This shows that video games do have a direct affect on violence, it chnages behavior.

My third possible topic is reality television. I might chose this topic because reality shows dont make any sense anymore. I dont see the point of having people in island with no food. most of the reality shows just dont make any sense the topic the flow the reasoning there is nothing contructive that happens in a reality show. They are more of a waste of time. They dont neccesailty mean anyhting. is there a reason behind watching big brother. watching a couple people in the house talking, and argueing i dont find it to be intresting. I think there is usually no plot there is no idea and its not entertaining, and its getting worse as the make more and more reality shows. It seems like anyone can have a reality show this days.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

if i could get rid of somebody

If i could get rid of anyone in the media , it would be Rush Limbuag. The main reason why i chose Rush is he has huge following. There are many people in the united states that believe and support everything that he talks about. He leads many people in the wrong direction, people that listen to Rush Limbaug adapt his views. They dont think for themselves. As an entainer Rush usually engages in non sensical talks relating to the president and the united states. He as a Huge following especially from the republican party his probably one of the most influencial people in the republican party. So what he says and does affect people it changes the way they behave and do things on a daily basis. He doesnt present himself as someone that has alot of influence in the direction of how people think. His affceting and changing attitudes without really taking responsiblity for it.

They have been many cases where he presents the wrong info to the public. The main incidence occured limbaugh states," i'd much rather join the taliban that support the president". with someone who has that much influence its very important to pay antetion to what you say. It affcets the perspective of alot people. His not the only person who is not going to support the president other people are now because he said it not going to support the president. Dont get me wrong i dont think every single U.S citizen has to support the president. They dont have to, but at the very least i believe you have to respect him.

I think his said to many things that stir up controversy for no reason. things such as obama was not born in the U.S. there alot things that dont make sense when they come from him. I believe that people who have influence should be responsible. Rush does not use his influence to lead people in the right direction. There is nothing wrong with being conservative. But it becomes wrong when you use influence to move people in the wrong direction.

Monday, October 5, 2009

"The way we were"

This is my favorite movie of all time. Its about the most intresting,most emotional, the most difficult thing to understand relantioships. This is the closest and the best example of the roles that a man or woman is supposed to play in a relationship. The women are the visionaries in a relationship. while men are the realization the guide that brings a womans vision into life. I also like this movie because it talks about memory how often do we remember . In most cases its like we are all passing through. One event to the next never looking back. So when i watch this it gives me a moment to look back, look back to the way i used to live my life. I also think about when life was the closest thing to a utopia my child hood.
Relatioships are probably the most difficult things to understand. Men dont understand women , women dont understand men. This movie give's a perfect example of how men and women are supposed to be when they in a relationship. It gives the defintion of the difference between a man's and a woman's role in a relationship. what level man and woman are supposed to be in, in order to have a stable relatioship. The secrete to a long realtionship is this, when it comes to man. Man has to be the person that guides the relationship. His the one that provides and also guages what happens in the relationship. Woman are the ones that sustain the relatioships. The relatioships starts when woman is willing to take care of the man. She must aslo believe that this man will provide and live up to her expectation. It goes through different stages from friends, to dating to marriage, very intresting movie.

Finally if you could go back to the way a certain thing used to be , what would you do? I dont know about you, but i would go back to playing soccer again. Growing up i was very passionate about soccer. I used to play all the time. Sometimes i would spend hours just playing around with a soccer ball. It was the happiest time of my life. So if i could go back to the way things used to be i would never stop playing soccer.