Monday, September 28, 2009

"opportunity creates wealth"

This is contraversial image becauseits shocking to the muslim. The author is still protective custody. I think the image is contaversial because its true. Many people around the world know that women are being mistreated through religion. Here is a woman who is willing to challenge the muslim tradtion .
They do most of the work while the men watch and do not take responsibility for the woman. They expect the woman to cook, clean and provide food in the house while they do nothing. Two sides to the debate would be most people want to maintain the old tradtions. If you look at the huge number of people who are muslim. Many want to maintain the old tradtions. they want women to continue to have the same responsibility . The other perpective is that women no longer want to be submissive in an independent world. alot of things are chainging around the world. women are becoming more and more independent. Religion should adjust to the current world. There are certain traditions that do not fit in the world today.
The image is contreversial because it is picture of a woman who is chalenging the muslim tradition. Image does not go to far but it represents something that is extremely powerful. people who have read the book, get very emotional when they see a picture, because she's doing something that's never been done before. Most woman exprience the same abuse, but no of them have had the courage to write about islam and the changes they have to make to adapt to current world. Most women except the traditions, they believe its a way of life. Women are not just property woman need to be embraced and taken seriously in every part of the world. I think that men are the gate keepers they keep the world steady under severe or tough time. but woman move the world they make the family, the teach, and lift each child to be better. They provide unconditonal love things that men cant provide. In order for the world to move forward woman have to have an equal contribution. They cannot have equal contribution without equal treatment. Women are important and they should not be held back by any tradtion or religious belief.