Friday, September 11, 2009

Greatness come's from within

If i had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy on life, it would be greatness come's from within. This is important to me because i believe that sucess is a decision that you make . I used to think that succes was all about listening to others, and doing what they said. For example if my parents said that i should go to school, I would take there word for it, and do exactly as they said. As i grew up it became harder to listen to what they said. I was no longer inspired by their direction .
As a result of this exprience , i decided that if i was going to be successfull it had to be a decision that i make on my own. As soon has i made this choice i began to do things differently. I started going to class on time and performed much better in class. I trully believe that succes comes from within. Our parents are there to guide us so that we can become successful in life, but the decision to be sucessful is a choice that you make on your own.


  1. very well put, Calvin.

  2. This motto is one of my favorites. I went through the same thing, I went to school because I was told and failed. It wasn't until I took control for myself that I actually learned something. I totally agree with you on decisions starting from within.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Calvin,
    I agree with you 100%. I went through the samething. I realised I had to go to school for my own good and not just because my parents made me. Thats when you really get serious and do well.

  5. Nice philosophy the power of the "will" outweighs what people tells you to do.

  6. very nice, choices is the biggest thing in your success.

  7. This is true...Greatness does come from within.

  8. This is very "Rocky" Movie and I love that! Greatness does come from within and the cool thing is that we all have it inside of us.

  9. Hi Calvin!

    Sounds like you have your priotities in line! Good job I really like your blog!

  10. I like how you emphasize personal choices and responsibility, rather than relying on others. Great job!

  11. Your philosophy is so true, and I use to be the same way. Success only comes by doing what you really want to do, not what others want you to do.

  12. I completely agree with you. Great motto.

  13. Your motto's true if you don't actually want to do something yourself noone else is going to be able to motivate you.

  14. have to want to do it to care about doing it best.

  15. Hi Calvin,
    There is no better motivation than intrinsic motivation.
    On a more shallow note, your motto reminds me of my attitude towards household chores. If someone tells me to do something I put it off for forever. But if I decide to do it, it actually gets done. I think my house would be much more organized if my family would stop telling me what I should do!

  16. This motto really speaks to me. I had the same mindset as you did when I was younger.

  17. I like your bumper sticker motto. Growing up I always got my work done beacause my parents told me to do so. Now I find an inspiration in my work so that I find joy in doing it. I get it done to satisfy myself.

  18. I like your philosophy but I would like to know what you define as "success." Success can be defined as one thing for me and another for you. I am pretty happy that you are such a free thinker like I am because we have our heads on straight, we know what we want in life and are doing what it takes to get what we want! Best of luck in your endeavors!


  19. Great motto! I hope to see more of your blog in the future.

  20. great motto man. I went to salisbury for two years before I realized I was just doing because I was supposed to. Now that I know what and who I am, I have never been more ready to succeed.
