Friday, September 18, 2009

social networking

The safety of our children on social networking site will always depend on there parents. kids get values from parents. these values that they learn from there parents affects how they make decitions. If parents are not teaching good values at home, then the kids are more likely to make bad decitions. Parents should be more careful of what comes in the home. They have to ensure that they create the proper environment that promote the values that they want for there children.
social networking sites, such as face book or my space cannot prevent people from using there websites. They can monitor specific things such as age, or profile descriptions these are not enough to keep people from finding away around it.the best way for parents to keep there kids safe is to promote the right values at home, monitor and educate themselves about what there kids like to do online.
Parents are in the best postion to affect change with the way there kids use social networking. They make the most decitions in the house. they decide what to eat, they decide what cable company to use. They should pratice the same thing when it comes to there kids,. limit the usage or monitor the usage. teach proper values so that kids dont make the wrong decitions when there on the socail networking sites.
Both authors bring good points to the argument. The author from the first article believe that social networking sites should take action to prevent child molesters from using there sites. I agree more with the second article because the social networking sites are not responsible for controlling who uses there sites. people chose to sign up and you should be more responsible when you decides to be on the site.


  1. I would have to agree with you,that parents have the same responsiblities as the child for the use of online sites. I also believe that parents should teach their children good values. The good values can minimize the possibilities of a sexual attack.

  2. I'm with you. Parents need to take sole responsibility for their children, because it is not up to MySpace to raise them. Even a quick talk between parents and a child could make that crucial bit of difference.

  3. I agree, if parents were parenting and kids were using a little common sense, the term "online predator" wouldn't exist.

  4. I agree, if parents took the responsibility of educating their kids about predators, then they should not be getting in to trouble anyways. Its only when parents neglect their duties that their kids get into trouble

  5. It is nearly impossible to verify the user's age, or if the information they put on their page is true so it is nearly impossible to verify it is the person they say they are. I think both the user and social networking site have a responsibility, at least try to keep the user somewhat safe and also for the user to be informed in-order to say safe.

  6. Good arguement. I also believe that it is the parents responsibilty to keep an eye on their kids. Kids also learn from their parents

  7. I agree with you.parents should monitor their kid's activities online,and tell them about some of the risks out there.these companies can not make their sites risk free.

  8. Hi Calvin,
    I agree with you, parents should be responsible for setting good examples for their children and raising them with good values. If parents do this it can help avoid their children from getting into dangerous situations online. You are right about the social network not being responsible for the children. The websites can not control their decisions or actions, that is the parents responsibility.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I agree Calvin. parents should monitor their children more when they are using/visiting certain websites.
